Tina the terror

Hi I'm Tina - your local tsundere princess! Isekai'd here from another world and now doing my absolute best to take over, rule and imprison the inhabitants of this virtual world :3 No need to be concerned, we provide comfy bunk beds and free wi-fi in the dungeon!Come join the comfy & chatty vibes of my streams! I main FPS games, mix in variety, create ASMR content, and I can't wait to meet you ♥

Art & credits

I wouldn't exist without the amazing and skilled artists in this community so here is a showcase of some of their talented work. I want to give a special thanks to my main model artist Therrao & my rigger Xiaojing1 for bringing my character to reality.Scroll through the rest of my art below & hover each piece to see who made it or click it to see the full image!


Chapter 1The ground was damp, thunder quietly rumbling in the distance as the spring rain moved on over Lake Mythard. She dug her boots in, sliding down the small embankment and catching herself against a mossy tree as she slid in the mud. The forest was quiet here at the edges of their domain, and she wondered for the hundredth time if the creatures could see what the people who lived here could not. Raising her hand in the air, it met a cool surface, an invisible shield that seemed to span endlessly to her left and right. She traced the shield carefully down towards the ground, her fingers poking through at odd spots.The shield is fraying again and it's not even been a month, the corners of her lips tugging into a scowl. She couldn't help but replay the most recent lecture she had received from the regent as she closed her eyes, reciting the words to repair the fraying shield. The barrier will hold for another 50 years, Markol had barked as if he was informing her of it for the first time instead of the twentieth. The man can't even see the barrier and is telling m-, her thoughts skidded to a halt, her front leg slipping from under her as she fell back, mud covering her pants. She looked left and right wildly, past the barrier before locating the movement again. Three men, hooded and armed stepped carefully closer to the barrier not a hundred feet from her. Hunters? Rangers? No...they are too far there is no game out here., blood drained from her face as one of the men mimicked her, tracing his hand along the wall as they moved closer and closer. Scouts., the word echo'ed in her head over and over as she forced her breathing to quiet, her heart still pounding in her chest.Thirty feet, twenty, ten, the man in the front now paced just steps from her. "How much farther?" he called, turning back to the other two who seemed to lag behind slightly. The middle man, shorter than the others who had stopped a ways back, crouching and tapping against the invisible barrier answered, "I ran across the break near here, it's possible they repaired it." Grumbling, the one in the front grabbed something from his belt, his hood sliding back as he drank out of the small flask he carried. She scanned his clothing for anything that might identify him, the pommel of his sword normal iron, his clothing dark and plain, he had a small scar just above his left eyebrow. She was about to look over to the others when her eyes landed at the base of his neck, just above his collar she eyed the top of a crescent moon, and the snake that wove around it. Cerebor, the name of the northern war-torn territory came screaming into her head. Hours and hours of learning history, every kingdom's sigils, their wars, leaders yet all she could think about was a hushed conversation between her mother and Markol about rumors of dark magic in the north.The man pulled his hood back up, "We'll scout to the water and then report back." She didn't take her eyes off them until they were out of sight, the ground sloping down carrying them away from her. Her fingers and legs felt stiff and frozen, dug into the mud for too long as she slowly pulled herself up. Despite the cold, she forced herself to move quickly through the miles of forest, until she reached the outer most village of their kingdom. The stableboy gave her a wide eyed look as she went to retrieve her grey mare, running her hand over it's nose before throwing her leg over the saddle. He surely thinks I am insane, a princess returning covered in mud from hours in the forest, she thought as she tossed him a small pouch of coins for watching her horse.Another round of storms had begun to slowly move in from the west and despite the quick pace they traveled, the rain soaked through her clothing before she made it back to the castle. The guard had long stopped giving her the same wide eyed look as the boy every time she returned looking nothing like a princess. "Markol is looking for you," one of them said as they swung the door open. "Great," she replied sarcastically, sure she heard a stifled chuckle as she climbed the stairs towards the royal quarters."Princess Tina!" the angry voice came from ahead of her, grating on her nerves already. The regent was a tall man, rather stout someone who you would imagine leading armies but the droning whine of his voice revealed he'd lived a very soft, comfortable life. His stature over others only led to his inflated confidence in his decisions and assured him he was right. He approached her, flanked by two miserable looking guards who had clearly been taking the brunt of the blame for her disappearance. "Where have you been?", he demanded, cutting off her turn that would lead her to her room and instead steering her into the council room.She felt her nerves fraying already, taking a deep breath she placed her hands on the council table which was covered with a map of Lumor, her kingdom Estdrift as well as the surrounding territories. "The shield is weakening, there are gaps," she stated as she eyed the spot on the map where she had been. "Not this again," Markol began, but she cut him off. "I don't care to argue this with you, I found something worse. There were three Cerian scouts combing the edges of the wall for an opening, just here," she moved a small map marker to the spot. The guards tensed, leaning in to look at the map. If the regent was concerned with this news, he revealed nothing of it, "They could just be hunters, there is more game if they come further south.""They had no weapons for hunting, no bows. They felt the wall, ran their hands along it, and mentioned reporting back to someone." she followed the line of the wall along the map, calculating where they might by now if they went back the way they came. "You are the Princess of Lumor and you escaped your guards, disappeared for a day and trecked miles into the wilderness," he reprimanded her."Are you really going to just overlook this?" Tina waved her hand gesturing towards Cerebor on the map. "No," he answered as if talking to a child and not the real ruler, "but I'm hardly going to raise an army because of some Cerian brigands and your concern they might slip through coin sized spots in the shield. The shield has held for a decade and will hold for many more. Instead of wasting your time on this, you should be trying to attune your magic so you can ascend the throne. The trade festival is in a week and the other Kingdoms will look stronger than us when they visit.""Kitswatch is in ruin without a princess, and Monsram and Paragbay barely care to notice us outside of trade," she paused, "Cerebor could be a threat, remember they said the cities were uniting behind some kind of witch.""Enough!" he stood, "You drag yourself back through the city and into the castle looking like a commoner that has been rolling around in the mud and then demand what of me? That I should send forces to the Cerebor border and increase tensions? That I should send scouts to be hunted in their territory by wild tribes?"She felt her anger reaching a boiling point as she turned storming out, "Tina! You WILL be at the greeting ceremony for the Queens tomorrow!" Markol yelled down the hall after her.A fitful sleep, dreams of dark boots marching and of a single moon in the sky left her lying in bed awake in the early hours. She quietly slipped out of bed, moving to look out the window. The air was dewy, hues of pink and orange on the distance horizon, but she could still see the four moons tracing across the sky. The same ones she had watched every night since she was a child. The same moons that the people said represented the four rulers of Lumor.The kingdoms of Lumor were a shadow of their former selves, hardly the cities of magic and wonder that parents told their children of. The first kingdom, Monsram, the richest and most prosperous. Their position in the center of the kingdom made them the trading capitol and most skilled workers learned at their universities. To the west was Paragbay, it's capitol wedged against the ocean. Their people were regarded as highly religious, their Queen seen as a sort of saint and though their kingdom was not poor, their trade was mostly off fish and other animals that flourished in the wildlands. Kitswatch, a small kingdom nestled north of Monsram was mostly a scattering of unorganized villages now. Their Queen had died nearly 50 years ago with no child and no magical heir had been found among its inhabitants yet.Tina had inherited magic from her mother who had passed some years ago, pouring what was left of her magic into the shield that now surrounded Estdrift. Like all princesses though, only if you attuned with the crown would you ascend to being a Queen. Magic was not always hereditary, sometimes it would pass to another noble child, or even in rare cases a commoner if the monarch had no heir. Magic would present itself in some way in a young girl, and that girl would become the next princess, and eventually Queen. Estdrift, the most eastern Kingdom was the last kingdom to share some territory with the Elves and other magic users who occupied the southern lands. Her mother had insisted they keep their relationship with all races of Lumor, often speaking of a united land.Perhaps it was once a united land, she mused as the moons slowly moved away from her window view. The original four Queens were sisters, the first humans to ever summon power and bring humanity out of the darkness into a modern age. Before them only races like elves, dwarves, shapeshifters and others had been able to use magic. Though no other humans but the Queens could ever wield magic, their power was enough to protect the four united kingdoms. I guess a thousand years does change things, she sighed walking over and picking up the crown that should be hers. Until the crown allowed her to wear it, the regent Markol would decide Estdrift's future.A knock interupted her thoughts, "Princess, the carriages carrying the Queens have arrived, Regent expects you in the throne room in two hours." a guard said loudly through her door. She dressed quickly, a pink and white flowing dress already selected for her. A ruby heart pendant, the gem of their kingdom, and ruby jewels on her earrings, bracelets, and outfit contrasted with the lighter colors. Tina stared down at the crown in front of her mirror, grasping it and holding it above her head, a few inches above where it should sit. It would not allow her to place it down upon her head no matter how much she willed it to. Frustrated she set it back on the small red pillow it stayed on.She paced back and forth a few times knowing the Queens would be waiting for her in the palace room in less than an hour. Markol will kill me for this, she thought before picking up the crown again and holding it just a few inches above her head. Tina closed her eyes, mumbling a small spell before pulling her hands away. The crown floated just slightly above her head. She turned from side to side and it moved with her, always floating. She grinned mischievously, the other rulers would have their crowns and she would have hers.---Markol's eyes nearly came out of his head as Tina entered the throne room, taking her place in the soft, comfortable throne behind and above his doing her best not to meet his outraged stare. Before he could comment, horns sounded playing an entrance as the main double doors to the throne room were thrust open.Monsram's Queen, Sariety, stepped in first, draped in a gold edged floor length gown. A gaudy amount of jewelry covered her, making small jingling sounds as she walked forward. Behind her were 5 guards on either side and her small court. As she neared the throne, she tipped her head the smallest amount possible but not to Princess Tina. "Regent Markol," her voice had a certain unnatural lilt, "thank you for your wonderful reception, our rooms are lovely and we look forward to the trading with you." Turning her head as if just noticing her fellow royal Queen Sariety opened her mouth to address Tina, then stopped, suddenly noticing the crown. Her eyes narrowed, "Princess Tina," she emphasized the first word.Tina smiled, "Welcome to Estdrift Sariety," the words dripped out like poison. Markol looked like he might faint as the horns played again and Paragbay's Queen, Elva, stepped in. She wore a solid white dress, no jewels but the pearls that hung throughout her bright blonde hair. What looked like priests followed behind her, robed yet armed, watching carefully around her. "Tina!" the youngest of the royals smiled before rushing forward, dipping her head slightly."I'm happy you made it Elva," Tina beamed remembering how Elva used to visit with they were young children and they would play in the castle courtyard. Standing, "Come, let us catch up in the dining hall there is much to discuss," Princess Tina commanded as her own guards began to follow her into the next room.---Days passed like this, Tina dodging Sariety's condescending comments and learning from Elva that her kingdom had become very cult-like, a weird influence from Cerebor's bordering tribes. Sariety seemed as unconcerned as Markol about Tina's reports, preferring to spend her time discussing trade routes, territory disputes of border towns, and the upcoming profits she expected from the festival.The night before the trade festival, Elva and Tina sat quietly in the throne room, Elva hanging over Markol's chair. "I think Cerebor thought they would be converting some of the villages, but they have just become more and more devoted, many coming to live in the city just to be near me." Elva elaborated. "It's not the worst problem I guess?" Tina mused."Paragbay isn't as big as Estdrift...the city is what it is and is crowded now. I'm not sure what to do about it." Elva rubbed her fingers to her temples as if the conversation alone gave her a headache. "At least they listen to you, I am worried Cerebor may have bigger plans and Markol won't hear of it." Tina frowned."At least you have the wall, we have to keep troops at our borders to secure them...the only place they could really advance on is Kitswatch and Sariety has mostly taken over the towns there with her troops, they'd see an army approaching far before it reached a border." Elva released a sigh, the words meant more to comfort herself than Tina. "The wall won't stay forever," Tina shrugged, before getting up to go to bed, "I suppose we should get some rest before tomorrow huh?""What do you mean the wall won't last?" Elva asked as they walked the stone halls together. "It's weakening, fading...only in small places I've been doing what I can to repair it but my magic is limited without the crown," her hand touching the cool metal of it without even thinking about it.Elva gave her a small hug as they reached her room, "Your mother was a powerful Queen, though she was sick in the end I'm sure her magic will hold." A small sense of peace washed over her a little too suddenly, "I am beginning to understand the people of Paragbay" Tina laughed. "The magic isn't so subtle to us is it," Elva giggled before slipping through the door to her room, "Goodnight Tina!"---Even in the early hours, the city buzzed with excitement for the trade festival. Tents and stalls made final adjustments, people milling about or moving carts or boxes of goods and produce. The royals had dined early and now sat in one carriage at the edge of the city center waiting the last few minutes before they would begin the festival."Elva and I will cover the magic needed for the portals, you will simply have to join hands with us to allow it to enter here," Queen Sariety repeated again at Princess Tina. Her patience nearing an end she replied coldly, "I think I got it the first time.""Oh don't be such a little terror," Sariety replied, "You've made enough of your show with that crown display.""You realize I am just the same as you two right? I'll attune to the crown eventually and it will all be the same." Tina argued."Until that responsibility is on you I'm not interested in your complaints." Sariety quipped back.

Elva who would normally intervene and ease the tension between the two just gave Tina an apologetic look. Perhaps Elva felt some sympathy for Sariety. Tina knew that Sariety had a rough upbringing, not the daughter of the Queen but a noble girl who showed signed of magic and was trained by Monsram's cruel regent. Markol may have been a fool but he was no villain. Some say Sariety only ascended so quickly to escape being under the thumb of such an awful man. These thoughts kept Tina from further pushing their argument.A trumpet melody broke up the awkward silence within the carriage as it jerked forward. A few moments later and they were in the large town center, hundreds and hundreds gathering around waiting for the festival to begin as the royals stepped out. Sariety turned a short speech into a longer one announcing the festival and congratulating citizens on their goods. Tina was surprised when Sariety included a small part in her speech about unity between the cities and villages and the balance that kept the kingdoms together.Finally, the three rulers brought their hands together, Elva and Sariety quietly saying the words they had rehersed and Tina saying her part. Magic pulsed suddenly between them as they all three stepped back, and large gated portal opened in the center of town. Viewing it through one side gave a look into Monsram, the other into Paragray as citizens of all three kingdoms began traversing through it.The rulers had respective thrones on a separate dais created on each side of the market, surrounded on the sides by guards. Waving and smiling at the citizens of the various cities that passed through the festival, Tina eased back into her throne, relieved that the first festival in a decade was going so well.Then the screams began.At first it could be mistaken for some children running about, the sound seemed to ooze through the portal. Tina looked up but past the portal at first, seeing Sariety's head angle to the side, then over to Elva who looked panicked. The portal then drew her attention as a splatter of blood came through it, just before a wave of darkness. It wasn't a smoke, it moved much faster dimming the sky, making the air feel thick and choking. Tina felt her guards attempt to move her away but everything felt slower than it should.A dark figure stepped through into the space that had cleared around the portal. A woman, her raven hair long and wild, dressed in light armour but with no weapon. She didn't even seem to notice anyone as she turned her gaze to the sky, one arm reaching up. Tina screamed, surging forward attempting to stop her but guards held her back.The woman's hand came together quickly, a squeezing fist and suddenly everyone was knocked back. The darkness choked the sound of wood splintering, stone crumbling, and so many screams. Tina pushed a guard off her looking up at the sky, but there was nothing. Nothing. The shield was gone.War horns blared in the far, far distance and in front of them soldiers streamed through the portal. People, soldiers, nobles all began running. Time seemed to speed up and the suddenness of the chaos made feel sick.On the far end of the market edge, Tina could hear Queen Sariety yelling, her voice coming closer to the center. On the other end Elva held a much smaller shield, pushing back soldiers who attempted to overwhelm her own.Tina slipped from under the arm of a guard who attempt to pull her towards the castle, Markol yelling even further away. Sariety and the dark witch were already fighting when Tina was able to create an opening to get past the stream of soldiers who continued to press in.Elva and Tina stood opposite sides of the dark woman. The air was sickly around her, a sort of serpentine, pulsing energy seemed to radiate from the ground beneath her feet."You have a crown," it was unclear who said it but the words floated between the four of them barely more than a whisper but somehow louder than all the chaos around them."It seems Kitswatch does have a Queen," Sariety barked."Kitswatch?" the woman finally spoke. "I am Queen of Cerebor, and soon all of Lumor," she sneered.A powerful magic threw them all back, Elva knocked unconscious and Tina dazed. Sariety, pulling herself up pushed back on the immense magic being thrown at them. Tina's hands pushed up against the rough stone beneath them, pieces of debris scattered everywhere. She rushed to Elva, Still breathing, despite her weakened state she willed her magic to surround Elva, to shield her, carry her towards the castle. Sariety was losing behind them, even with her back to the fight she could tell. Weakened from the use of her magic, she turned to face the fight, spotting her crown that had fallen a few feet in front of her.Before she could move, the dark Cerian Queen had turned towards her, seemed to grip her in a spell. Tina felt the air being squeezed out of her, each breath smaller than the last. Sariety screamed something from behind the dark Queen and the grip loosened, leaving Tina on the ground again. She reached for her crown, pulling it to her just before a spell connected, hitting both the crown and her.Darkness returned a thousand fold, only the crown emitted any light, a slight glow from the rubies and Tina felt like she was falling. The feeling was endless until the darkness forced her asleep.---Minutes, hours, days passed before Tina could open her eyes again. A strange hissing seeming to be getting closer and closer. It was night, but a single moon illuminated the small area around her. The grass was unnaturally bright green, trees of varying kinds oak and birch surrounded her. Something edged closer so slowly, a weird hissing sound emitting from it again. In the dark she could only make out an expressionless creature with dark square eyes, she shielded just before a small explosion went off damaging everything nearby."I don't think I'm in Lumor anymore" Princess Tina said into the night.Chapter 2To be continued...